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Hera Palace mang den khong gian ly tuong cho cac hoat dong nghe thuat, yen tiec, va hoi nghi voi thiet ke sang trong va dich vu chuyen nghiep. Noi day duoc danh gia cao nho kha nang to chuc cac su kien dang cap, dap ung moi yeu cau khat khe cua khach hang, tro thanh lua chon hang dau tai Viet Nam trong linh vuc su kien va hoi nghi. Ten Thuong Hieu: Hera Palace Dia chi: 488, duong Nguyen Chi Thanh, An Thanh, Thuan An, Binh Duong , Viet Nam Dien thoai: +84 0777 101 083 Website: Email: Zipcode: 75000 Hashtag: #herapalacevn #herapalace
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