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Mat Bang Caraworld Cam Ranh KTXM Cap Nhat Chi Tiet 2024 Mat bang Caraworld Cam Ranh duoc thiet ke voi quy mo lon, bao gom nhieu loai hinh san pham nhu biet thu, nha pho, can ho va cac tien ich phuc vu nhu cau song, nghi duong va vui choi giai tri. Du an duoc phan chia thanh cac khu vuc chuc nang ro rang, voi cac day nha o nam gan cac khu tien ich cao cap nhu trung tam thuong mai, khu the thao, cong vien va bai bien rieng. Mat bang cua Caraworld Cam Ranh mang lai mot khong gian song dang cap, hai hoa voi thien nhien va dap ung moi nhu cau cua cu dan. Dia chi: Khu Bai Dai, P.Cam Nghia, TP.Cam Ranh, T.Khanh Hoa Phone: 0906116559 Website: Email: Hastag: #matbangcaraworldcamranh; #caraworldcamranh; #caraworldcamranhclub: #Caraworld_Cam_Ranh
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